OE Profile damaged - need to remove
(too old to reply)
2004-12-10 18:15:42 UTC
Help !

Outlook Express 6 under WinXP.

Keep getting messages relating to SMTP unable to send, error 0x8CCC0D

I have worked out why / when it is occurring, but can't see how to fix
it. The profile has 3 accounts set up for 3 different POP/SMTP servers.
When I try to add another, or amend an existing one, I then get the SMTP

If after the error, I roll back using System Restore, I can send and
receive without issues again.

However, it is as soon as I make amendments to the existing accounts or
try to add another that the error then occurs.

I have tried removing all accounts and setting them back up, but to no
avail. I get an SMTP error again, even if i just set one account up.

The only way I can then stop the error from occurring, is to roll back
using System Restore, but of course, this means I can't make the changes
I now require to be made as the error will come back.

My guess is that the users profile is somehow corrupt.

How can I completely remove an OE profile from the registry, and then
start Outlook Express as if it were being started for the first time (as
per when the MS welcome message is generated) thus creating a new

I haven't tried adding another profile to the existing "Main Profile"
one. This user is a technophobe, so i would prefer to have just the one
profile for her to work from.

I'm not worried about restoring / preserving email, just the ability to
create / change / amend accounts, which I currently can't do.
2004-12-10 18:33:57 UTC
Post by Tx2
Keep getting messages relating to SMTP unable to send, error 0x8CCC0D
Sorry, 0x8CCC0B
