Win32 newsreader supporting the X-Face feature?
(too old to reply)
2004-05-08 14:27:10 UTC
Please can you recommend me any Win32 newsreader supporting the X-Face
feature or any newsreader plugin enabling this feature? I would like to be
able both post and display X-Face images.
Patrick Lamaizière
2004-05-08 14:35:22 UTC
Post by t***@atlas.cz
Please can you recommend me any Win32 newsreader supporting the X-Face
feature or any newsreader plugin enabling this feature? I would like to be
able both post and display X-Face images.
Xnews, Gravity, Dialog, MesNews.
May be Forté Agent ?
Alain Beguin
2004-05-08 15:38:43 UTC
Post by t***@atlas.cz
Please can you recommend me any Win32 newsreader supporting the X-Face
feature or any newsreader plugin enabling this feature? I would like to be
able both post and display X-Face images.
Try MesNews?

Alain Beguin: http://home.tiscali.be/a.beguin
MesNews: http://www.zoo-logique.org/mesnews/index-gb.php
News://news.zoo-logique.org/MesNews.International Login/Psw requested
Demetrius Zeluff
2004-05-08 16:37:57 UTC
<follow ups set to news.software.readers>
Post by t***@atlas.cz
Please can you recommend me any Win32 newsreader supporting the X-Face
feature or any newsreader plugin enabling this feature? I would like
to be able both post and display X-Face images.
Fidolook is an add on for OE that allows you to use X-Face.


Other readers include Xnews, Pan, SLRN (wierdly), dialog, etc etc.
My screen name changes,
My email address doesn't.